Wholesale Electric Supply Co of Houston, Inc.
Wholesale Electric Supply Company of Houston has been extremely successful utilizing MMS for the past 20 years. During that time frame Wholesale Electric’s sales have increased from about $50,000,000 to over $400,000,000. Wholesale has enjoyed this tremendous growth with a marginal increase in personnel which allows them to operate at one of lowest expense ratios in the electrical industry and with employee productivity levels among the highest. Information Technology expenses as a percentage of sales are also significantly below industry average when compared to NAED PAR report figures. MMS has been instrumental in making Wholesale Electric Supply, with its ten locations and overt 400 employees, a premier electrical distribution company. IDS systems give WES an edge over their competition and are instrumental in helping Wholesale Electric win major industrial MRO blanket contracts all along the Gulf Coast. |
The Construction Material Management System (CMMS) has allowed Wholesale Electric Supply to manage hundreds of large capital projects worldwide with most of the major commercial and industrial engineering contractors. The history of Wholesale’s CMMS projects can be viewed at Wholesale’s WEB Site http://www.wholesaleelectric.com. Wholesale recently received a purchase order to supply and manage electrical and instrumentation material for one of the largest LNG plants ever constructed. This contract was coveted by just about every major electrical distributor in the world. The project will cost billions over the next few years including several hundred million dollars in electrical spend that will be managed through the IDS Construction Material Management System. |